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Visit Monasteries in Tibet
Politeness Rules When Visit Tibetan Monastery

Foreign guests are look forward to visiting and allowed coming in at most monasteries. Even in remote areas, foreign guests also are welcomed for hospitality. In order to preserve the hospitality offered to other travelers, please observe the following courtesy rules:

Walk around gompas and other religious objects clockwise, not the other way around! So keep shrines, choertens and stupas to your right.

Do not touch or move objects on an altar!

Do not remove prayer flags or mani stones!

Do not take photos or video recordings during a prayer! Please always ask whether it is permitted to take pictures, especially with a flash. Sometimes, there are charging a fee for taking pictures at larger monasteries. Although there are some monks who also like to have a free photo taken. Just don't try to insist!

Do not wear shorts or skirts inside the monastery!

Take off your hat or any other headgear before entering a chapel!

Don't smoke inside a monastery or chapel!

Nobody expects you know all the rules of the Tibetan faith and apply them locally. With the simple behaviors above, however, you can express your respect for way of life of foreign religious.

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