Bird Watching and Wildlife Adventure Travel in East Tibetan Areas Kham and Amdo
Located at the zone of transition from the southeast of Qinghai -Tibet Plateau to Sichuan Basin, Kham and Amdo Tibetan areas, with the average elevation about 3,500 meters, boast rising mountains and deep river valleys. Possessing the most complete bioclimatic vertical band spectrum, the region is a part of Qinghai -Tibetan Plateau that is one of the world's top ten biodiversity, and is also an important part of Western Sichuan – Northern Yunnan plant specific phenomenon center. There are 76 kinds of national protected animals, such as giant panda, golden monkey, black-necked crane, sika deer, takin, plateau-specific birds, etc. And there are about 1500 kinds of cherish wild plants, such as orchid, Gong Tong (Chinese dove tree), Chinese yew, cupressus chenegiana, picea purpurea, etc. Countless bird watch group and flower watch group come to here. They watch birds and record bird species, photograph birds and record videos of birds, hear birds singing and record birds’ voice. They have photographed lots of rare wild animals and plants. If you choose the routes for bird watch and animal watch in Kham and Amdo Tibetan areas, we are not only finding and exploring the rare animals and plants resources but also feeling the beautiful scenery together of Kham and Amdo Tibetan areas.
Viaje de Observación de Aves en el Oeste de Sichuan
Hábitat de Panda Hermosas Aves Raras
20 Days Private Tour | Chengdu – Longcanggou – Erlangshan – Labahe – Siguniangshan – Balangshan - Wolong – Balangshan – Siguniangshan – Zhuokeji – Hongyuan – Ruoergai – Gonggangling – Jiuzhaigou – Gonggangling - Huanglong – Tangjiahe - Chengdu
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Observación de Aves y turismo de Vida Silvestre en el Sur de Shaanxi y el Oeste de Sichuan
Hábitat de Panda Hermosas y Raras Aves y una gran cantidad de Animales Salvajes
14 Days Private Tour | Chengdu – Yangxian – Tangjiahe – Longnan – Tiebu – Ruoergai – Tangke – Hongyuan – Zhuokeji – Mengbishan – Xiaojin – Siguniangshan – Balangshan – Wolong – Dujiangyan – Chengdu
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