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Permit for Tibet Tour
Tibet Travel Permit

Permit for Tibet tour starting from the other Chinese city

A final name list, passport and China visa copies of travel participants must be sent to us at least 15 days before the start of the trip. The following data must be given:

Full name according to passport
Date of birth
Passport number

The passport and China visa copies are also required. The copies can be scanned and then it can be emailed to us or faxed to us.

Visa and permit for Tibet trip starting from Nepal to Tibet

If you are entering Nepal from the autonomous region of Tibet, you should get the visa at the Chinese embassy in Kathmandu. The China visa that you got at the other Chinese embassies or consulates is not valid for entering Tibet from Nepal. Customers should apply for a visa at the Chinese Embassy in Kathmandu at least 2 days before entering Tibet. The original passport is required for the visa application! The opening time of the Chinese embassy is from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. It is also possible to get an express permit for an additional fee.

The following data are required to apply for a visa at the Chinese embassy in Kathmandu:

Full name according to passport
Passport number
Date of birth
Passport photo
An official invitation from TTB

The passport copies are also required. You can scan the copies and then email or fax it to us. With the passport copy, the local travel agency in Lhasa applies to TTB (Tibet Tourism Bureau) for an official invitation (VISA NOTIFICATION) for the Chinese visa application at the Chinese Embassy in Kathmandu. This invitation will be sent to the local travel agency in Kathmandu by fax.

In addition to the visa that will be obtained at the Chinese embassy in Kathmandu, the local travel agency in Lhasa will apply for a normal permit for TTB travel to Tibet. The local guide from Lhasa takes this permit to welcome customers when travelers enter Tibet.

Creemos que obtendrá su viaje favorito al Tíbet aquí. Por supuesto, podemos planificar su viaje privado de acuerdo con esta gira por el Tíbet y la serie de trekking del Tíbet, solo necesitamos una idea aproximada de sus intereses, deseos, demandas...
Los viajes a medida de Greatway están cuidadosamente diseñados para ofrecer una aventura cultural y natural personalizada y trekking en el Tíbet, China. Creamos experiencias extraordinarias y enriquecedoras solo para usted.