Home > Planning for Tibet Tour
Equipment for Tibet Tour and Tibet Trekking
Good Preparation for Traveling on the Roof of the World

If you are planning a package tour to these places like Lhasa, Gyantse or Shigatse where are at an altitude of 3000 m above sea level, you do not need any special equipment. You should only take the necessary things with you. The following list is helpful to give you an idea for your selection:

Take a sunscreen with sufficient sun protection factor (SPF 25 to 30), sunglasses with UV protection, lip care with a high sun protection factor, a cloth, an electric torch, a rope and maybe a Swiss Army knife.

When you choose your clothes, keep in mind that it is very cold at these altitudes:


A cotton jacket is ideal in the evening. Otherwise a warm cardigan with high wool content is recommended.


A wool or cotton cap, or a hat are necessary to against the cold and wind. A wide-brimmed hat is good for sun protection. You can buy cheap wide-brimmed hats in  markets of Tibet.


Woolen gloves, or modern and well heat-insulating gloves


Cotton and breathable is best. About 4 to 5 pairs.


At least 3 pairs of warm socks.


A long-sleeved shirt with a high percentage of wool, flannel or English leather. Upperwear of a tracksuit is also possible. A long-sleeved cotton shirt for warmer weather and two to three T-shirts.


Warm and long trousers, wool and light cotton trousers. If you don't want to wear trousers, women can wear warm skirts and tights. It is strongly advised that don’t wear shorts and skirts at such heights in Tibet.


It is according to your inclinations. You would regret not having brought camera!


It is ideal for studying flora and fauna in the wider area.


It's safer using a shoulder bag than using a wallet and you can keep your passport and papers safe.

Own pictures

Bring personal pictures of your hometown and your family or your pets and your city, which offer an excellent basis for contacting the local population.


Nuts, chocolate bars, granola sticks, dried fruit, hard candy, dried meat (from beef) and seasoned beverage mixes are good for your travel.

Creemos que obtendrá su viaje favorito al Tíbet aquí. Por supuesto, podemos planificar su viaje privado de acuerdo con esta gira por el Tíbet y la serie de trekking del Tíbet, solo necesitamos una idea aproximada de sus intereses, deseos, demandas...
Los viajes a medida de Greatway están cuidadosamente diseñados para ofrecer una aventura cultural y natural personalizada y trekking en el Tíbet, China. Creamos experiencias extraordinarias y enriquecedoras solo para usted.